Nokia Mobile cooperation to add a phone production facility, with the ambition to increase market share to return to the market?

To reduce logistical problems such as shipping devices to major markets, Nokia Mobile has announced the Made-In-India program. The main goal is to manufacture products directly in major markets, thereby reducing logistics costs and equipment costs. It also generates income for local citizens.

After India, Nokia Mobile announced a similar program for Bangladesh, called Made-In-Bangladesh. Nokia Mobile has signed an agreement with UK-based Vibrant Software and Bangladesh's Union Corporation to produce around 9,000 devices per month, including both the low-cost Nokia G10 and Nokia G20 phones.

These phones will be manufactured in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City. The production facility is a two-story factory with four assembly lines and two packaging lines that promises to produce 300 phones per day. The factory also has its own laboratory allowing about 200 people to operate.

Union Group will use the manufacturing facility to try to bring Nokia back to market. From 2008 to 2011, Nokia held between 65 and 75% market share, but then it gradually lost market share. Nokia phones made in Bangladesh will not only be sold domestically, the company also plans to export a certain percentage to other markets.

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